Dalla Romania il progetto di un E-book internazionale!

Quale “vetrina” migliore di Blogdidattici per segnalare la recentissima iniziativa del collega Calin Rudeanu , che da Neamt in Romania lancia l’ invito ad aderire ad un progetto davvero eccezionale, purtroppo non adatto ai miei 15-19enni.  Immagino tuttavia l’ entusiasmo dei vostri “kids”, cari colleghi e colleghe delle scuole elementari e  medie. Di seguito la mail:

“Hello Patrizia,
Be ready to join … the “WORLD KIDS STORIES” !
That is: 
My students draw characters, nice animals, etc etc etc … good-looking and interesting stuff – all being named as suggested titles for other students to imagine and WRITE stories/articles, all being inspired from those drawings.
The first set of drawings could be sent to you by e-mail within Saturday afternoon coming.
Then Italian kids could start writing their own stories/tales inspired from the drawings … first in Italian (and/or English, but not compulsory…)
– WE ( my students as drawing-authors + another 45 students : 5th-6th 7th graders, from another Romanian College),
+ a school (40 kids) from Denmark
+ a school from India
and YOU… if agreed (…?) 
For starting.
I bet others will join very soon…
I know what I know.
Everything will be organized, and published into the shape of an e-Book
(that’s my job“old wizzard’s stuff” as usual ) 
All I need from you will be only the stories writen as texts (hmm… more details later).
It will be the first international story-book  writen BY KIDSFOR KIDS.
In their mother tongue.
Published as e-Book in web format into the e-journal educational international networks, and promoted WORLWIDE.
Also available in formats for mobile phones, iPhones, for print too … 
Etc etc etc…
Europe linked to Asia,… and more…
I do hope to jump soon over the Atlantic (and not only…) and have kids from there too.
My job here, of course.
When ready all foreign embassies in Romania of the involved partners will all receive a DVD copy with the ready-made “World Kids Storiese-Book too.
Advertising matters…
I already know where and how to make real NOISE about this…
Come on, ITALY, we are all call you to go for it and join the TEAM .
Your turn now, folks…
Calin ” calinrudy@gmail.com